Nap - Grey (Android)
About the Product
(Price is in US dollars)
Nap assistance is another advanced technology. It a eye pad that detect your brainwave, base on these data, it will in turn recommend suitable music to help you relax and sleep. This system will learn over time, so the most you use, the better the system will be.
The way the eye pad design is to fit on your face perfectly and it is made with soft material. It can shade 99% of the light, so you are completely comfortable for a nap. The eyeshade also has pine holes, so you can also be aware things around you at the same time.
Its earphones also specially design to the fit into your ear perfectly.
It needs a specific app to work with this device, and it is available in Android and IOS available in grey and black color.
----Full product information available in the product's page by clicking "more product information" button.
----Always follow instructions and read the owner's manual before using and handling the product.